[We are pleased to announce the open registration for the Indonesian International Medical Olympiad 2024β¨OLYMPIADWith 6 competition branches, namely: Cardiology-Respiratory, Musculo-Skeletal, Neurology-Psychiatry, Urology-Reproduction, Digestive, Tropical InfectionDelegates are required to register
[INFO LOMBA : SINACOMP 2024 AVICENNA FKIK UNRAM]Halo, Shiners β¨Kami kembali lagi ππ»Yuk persiapkan dirimu untuk kompetisi ilmiah terbaik tahun ini, SINACOMP 2024! Untuk tema kami adalah [Reproduction Health: The
[INFO LOMBA : AMYGDALA UMM]Amygdala adalah Olimpiade Anatomi Nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh Laboratorium Anatomi FK UMM untuk seluruh mahasiswa kedokteran Se-Indonesiaβ¨Babak Penyisihanπ25 Agustus 2024πOnlineBabak Perempat-Finalπ11-13 Oktober 2024πKampus 3 Universitas Muhammadiyah
[INFO LOMBA : LAMBUNG MANGKURAT MEDICAL PHARMACOLOGY CHAMPIONSHIP]Lambung Mangkurat Medical Pharmacology Championship (LUMOS) is a brand-new national pharmacological olympiad organized by the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Physiology Department Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga and BEM KM FK UNAIR Proudly present:β¨Indonesian Medical Physiology Olympiad (IMPHO)β¨Universitas Airlangga 2024Will be Held on11-13 October 2024Ready to Challenge yourself? Gather your
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ππ π²πππππ π
π πππππππ π°ππ
ππππππ ππ»ππ»Merchandise Challenge FP hadir untuk menyalurkan bakat mendesain sekaligus sebagai peluang cuan yang membawakan tema "ISMKI and Medical Student Journey".Merchandise